Date Posted:  January 24, 2019

A CV is one of the most powerful tools for telling the story of your professional career history to potential employers. A well-managed CV that showcases you and your qualifications can help you land your desired job. Apart from managing facts, your CV needs to be consistent, concise, clear and understandable.
Aspirare provide tips on how to write your CV:

Having a Professional Profile
The first thing every employer will see is your professional profile. So, ensure your professional profile contains relevant information like, who you are and where your expertise lie. Highlighting your expert skills throughout your CV will make you more attractive to potential employers.

Work Experience
Mentioning your experience within the market is one of the best things you can showcase to potential businesses, employers want to see that you have a track record of success, understanding and will. The best way to demonstrate this is to mention the most relevant experience you have for each job.

Lead with your strengths
After analyzing some of the latest surveys, the average time to review a CV is 30 seconds. Therefore, take the time to determine which information is most relevant to the company our applying for, put your strongest points first so they are visible and clear.

Take advice when writing your CV
Writing a good CV is not a cup of tea for everyone. Creating the perfect resume is trying to mention every aspect of your job history, all your achievements, skills, strengths etc., in the best way that employers will understand. So, while creating your CV, you should also take advice from your friends and colleagues who can help you present and organise your CV in a more professional manner.

There’s also an old saying:


You can interview John Wayne on a Friday then Woody Allen turns up on the Monday! This can be avoided as the interview is a masked and adaptive scenario. Or as a jobseeker you know you can do the job from a skills viewpoint however have a poor interview as you haven’t projected your natural talents the correct way, remember you need to connect dynamically with the interviewer, you can only do this as if you know yourself and know how to connect with another behavioural dynamic

Even if the suitable hire is achieved, things can change within the work environment.

The only constant in life is change.

Talent management is a constantly moving target that therefore constantly must be monitored.  How do you monitor your talent as a company or as an individual how do you know, develop and nurture your own talent?

In summary

To get selection right you MUST: –

  • Look at your Validation methods and if possible, blend traditional methods with scientific methods, as a candidate know how to validate YOUR talents with the key aspects of the job and company
  • Raise YOUR own awareness to the masked situation in a face to face interview, a job seeker must remember
  • Be Aware to validate and ask questions around Values and gather the necessary benchmarked evidence for longevity as a jobseeker you must benchmark your values with the job

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